Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tess's Tidbits: Emily's Surgery

Well, the time has finally come.  Mama informed all of us yesterday that she was going to try to fix Emily's loose legs.  Last night, we all gave Emily hugs and wished her God's blessings right before Mama took her in the other room for her surgery.  Ella is really nervous.  Emily is her best friend, and she doesn't want anything to happen to her.  Of course, we dolls can't be as easily injured as you humans, but still, anything that involves removing your head makes you just a wee bit nervous.  We'll let you know the outcome of her surgery as soon as possible.  Apparently there were some complications, so Emily is not back with us yet.  I think Mama will be posting the details of Emily's procedure on her blog.  That's one blog post I won't be reading, thank you very much.  I'm a little squeamish about surgical procedures. :{

We all miss Emily a lot, and hope she'll come back to us soon.

P.S.  Sorry, I was going to upload a pic to go with this post, but a message came up saying I've run out of storage space on my picasa album.  I'm going to have to talk to Mama and figure out what we need to do next.  : (

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