Saturday, January 29, 2011

Breaking News with Maggie: Goodbye, Ella! :'(

This is Maggie Wilson with the latest news from Jane Austen and Unicorns.  Unfortunately, today it's my job to report some sad news.  Ella Prescott has officially left our group.

Thursday night, just before it was time for her to be packed away in her eBay box, Ella shared a few precious moments with her sisters...most likely the last moments she will ever share with them. 

There were many tears as the sisters exchanged hugs and whispered words that none of us will ever know.  Ella was sad, but she seemed excited, too.  Tess and Hailey were pretty shaken up by everything.  Once Ella left to get into her box, the two of them sat huddled together, crying and hugging each other.  Charlie and I tried to give them what little comfort we could.  It was a hard day for all of us.

Yesterday, Tess and Hailey kept mostly to themselves, no doubt trying to process everything as best as they could.  We saw Mama take Ella's box with her when she left to take her oldest daughter to school.  It was a strange feeling, knowing that Ella was on her way to another part of the country.  We keep waiting for her to come back into the room saying, "I was just teasing guys!  I'm still here!"

Mama says that when you lose someone, it often feels like they'll show up at any moment.  She said it's part of the grieving process.  I was not excited to hear that there was a whole process my friend and her sister will have to go through.  I was hoping we'd have a day or two of sadness and then move on.  Not trying to sound calloused.  I just want Tess to feel better as soon as possible! 

This morning, she was still quiet and uncommunicative.  She's just been reading and crying, sitting and crying, or sleeping and crying.  Hailey's doing slightly better.  She actually visited with Charlie for a while.  Hailey was also a sweetie and played Barbies with Lucy when she asked Hailey to.

Mama's planning on having a talk with Tess today, hoping she can get Tess to talk through some of her feelings.  I hope it helps.  I just really want the old Tess back.

This is Maggie Wilson, signing off.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Tess's Tidbits: Goodbye, Zaara!

So as those of you who read Mama's blog already know, Zaara is now in her new home with Mama's aunt.  She left Friday afternoon. 

Emma was sad to see her go...she's such a Bollywood fan! :}  We had Zaara over in our room right before she left.  Emma wanted to say goodbye and thank her again for the Shahrukh Khan poster and her little Bollywood trinket box.  Maggie and I were there, too.

"I know you'll have a great time at Mama's aunt's house," Emma assured Zaara.  "I had a wonderful time when I went there for Christmas!"

Zaara smiled.  "Thanks for the encouragement.  It's nice to know I won't be too far away."

"And even better," Emma continued excitedly, "you get to stand next to all of Mama's aunt's Hrithik Roshan posters she got for Christmas!"

"Who?" Zaara asked blankly.

"You don't know who he is either?" Emma shook her head.  "Don't worry, you will.  I think she got like 5 posters."

"Wow," Zaara said.  "I take it she's a fan?"

Emma laughed.  "Just slightly."  She leaned forward and gave Zaara an impulsive hug.  "Have a wonderful time in your new home."

"I'm sure I will," Zaara answered, returning the hug.

We heard later from Mama that Zaara had a great welcome home.  Mama and her aunt had Indian food and a Bollywood movie waiting when Zaara got there.  They had a great night together. 

In other news, Claire has officially been sold.  Mama will be boxing her up very soon.  And dear, sweet Ella only has one more day until her auction ends.  I still can't understand her decision...I probably never will.  But I've tried to support her anyway.  She's a little sad about not being with us anymore, but more than anything she's just excited.  She can't wait to see where her new home is.  Maybe she's closer to Katie in personality than I thought.

Oh, and before I forget, Belle has added some new posts to her "Belle's Bulletins" page.  I saw her typing like mad a little while ago.  Apparently, Mama got a Prince doll for her from the Disney Store and she's kind of panicking about the whole scenario. :} 

Well, I guess that's about it for news from our corner.  I suppose this could have been a "Breaking News with Maggie" post, but oh well.  I felt like posting again today for the first time in nearly a week.  It's good to be back. :)

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Maggie's Memos: Craziness!

Craziness...that's the only way I can begin to describe the atmosphere around here in the past few days.  So, just to get all of you up to speed:  Katie did not get home until this morning, and it was a long two extra days to wait!  When she finally arrived, everyone was thrilled to see her again, especially Tess and Lucy.

  Charlie and Emma met Katie for the first time.  Claire hadn't met Katie yet either, but she wasn't feeling well (I think it's nerves...she's really worried about who her new family will be).  Katie was given a quick update on what's been going on, with all of the changes.

After Katie had changed into something more comfortable and had a chance to relax, she and Emma were able to visit together.  They hit it off immediately...they must have talked for a half an hour, at least.  I think I sense a budding friendship!

When Katie and Charlie first met each other, they felt like they'd known each other all of their lives.  After detailed conversation with both, Mama determined that Charlie is indeed Katie's younger sister, even though Katie actually looks younger.  But they're only two years apart, so it's not really that big of a deal.  Even before Mama made the announcement, though, Katie and Charlie were sure they were sisters.   

Lucy only lasted as "Nan" for about a day.  She liked being Lucy much better, and didn't care for the time warp stuff.  She was so relieved yesterday when Mama assured her that she could continue being herself!  Especially now that she has TWO big sisters here. :) 

Ella, on the other hand, was completely thrilled with being Elizabeth Cole.  She loved going back in time, being older, and having such a fun best friend (no insult to Emily intended, there).  But Emily was feeling pretty forlorn, knowing she was up next for the auction block, and having no one to really talk to about it.  
Then last night, Mama dropped the bombshell.  She had decided that Emily would make a better Elizabeth Cole.  I guess she'd found some great "Elizabeth hair" that made Emily look just perfect.  She was also concerned about selling Emily when her leg surgery was not 100% successful.  Mama wanted to be able to try again.  Emily was not too thrilled to hear that she might have to endure surgery again in the future. 

Ella, brought out of the time warp in the midst of the commotion, was stunned at the news.  She had been perfectly happy with her new situation, and now it was all being taken away.  Mama's mind was quite made up, though.  She was sympathetic, but firm.  This was how it was going to be.

Within the hour, Emily was standing in Ella's place beside Felicity.  Although it was no longer Emily.  Something weird happens to you when you're re-wigged (I should know!).  Everything about your past becomes muddled and foggy, and the more severe the wig change, the more severe your condition.  Emily is Elizabeth Cole now.  She doesn't remember anything about her friendship with Ella, or her love of the beach, or Pixar movies.  In her mind, she's been Elizabeth her whole life.

It almost put Ella over the edge.  Not only had she lost her historical role, she'd also lost her best friend (both of them, to be completely accurate).  Suddenly, she wasn't happy being Ella anymore.  She didn't like being 8 again, the little sister of two older sisters.  She was no longer content to make crafts and collect dolls.  Ella wanted to see the world, to have an adventure.  She hungered for travel, for new places and new experiences.  And so, she had a talk with Mama.

Just a few hours ago, we found out that Ella would now be the one being sold instead of Emily.  Tess was so shocked and hurt by the news that she went to bed with an upset stomach (she couldn't bear to write about it...that's why I'm the one updating you now).  Hailey was stunned, too.  Ella assured her sisters that she would always love them, but now that she'd seen something of the outside world (even if it was in the 1700s), she couldn't be happy staying in the same old place.  She wanted a new beginning somewhere...anywhere! 

And, as if that wasn't enough change, Lucy is considering leaving next week and staying with Mama's mother-in-law for a while.  Apparently she has two dear friends there, just her age, and she just found out they were there.  It's kinda silly to me...she's spent all this time sad that Katie wasn't here, and now, she's going to leave her a week after she gets back!  Oh, and we also discovered that Zaara found a new permanent home with Mama's aunt...the one Mama spent Christmas with.  Mama and her aunt have both really gotten into Bollywood movies together, so Mama's aunt thought it would be fun to have a Bollywood doll.
So, there you have it.  Katie's home, Emily is now Elizabeth instead of Ella.  Ella will be listed on eBay this week to find the adventure she craves.  Claire's auction ends on Sunday, and then she'll be moving to her new home.  Lucy may be staying with friends for a prolonged period of time.  Katie, Charlie and Lucy are all sisters.  Zaara is moving to Mama's aunt's house.  Tess is heartbroken.  I'm disgusted.  That's it in a nutshell.  I guess if you didn't want to wade through that whole post you could have just read this paragraph at the end. 

Sorry this is such a random post, but I'm too muddled to write anything more sensible.  I should have made it more interesting, in story form, but to be honest, I'm so blown away by everything that I couldn't seem to drag together enough creativity to pull it off.  :{  Could things get any crazier?  I hope not.  We're all just trying to hold on until the world stops spinning so fast.  We'll try to keep you posted if anything else happens.

P.S.  I forgot to mention, it sounds like Katie might have to take a break from traveling for a while.  Mama gave Katie a really neat backpack and lunch box set from Pottery Barn Kids as a welcome back present.  The idea was that Katie could take it on her next trip.  That's when Katie reluctantly admitted that her left eye, the one that sticks, had gotten worse and was really bothering her.  Not only that, but her hips were starting to go, too.  It sounds like some surgeries may be in order before Katie travels again. :(


Monday, January 17, 2011

Tess's Tidbits: An Update on Belle

Hi everyone.  After much discussion and deliberation, we decided to give Belle her own page for all of her blog posts.  That way, those of you who aren't as interested in Belle's news can just read our blog, and those of you who want to see what's new in Belle's life can click the tab at the top of the blog.  It's labeled "Belle's Bulletins".  She'll update it periodically, so you'll want to check back every once in a while to see what's new.

P.S.  Still no Katie. (sigh)  Mama should be able to pick her up tomorrow, though.  Turns out she was at church all the time...the lady's son, who was supposed to get Katie to Mama since the lady couldn't make it, forgot! :{  At least we'll get to see her tomorrow!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Tess's Tidbits: Katie is Not Home Yet :(

Hey everyone.  Just another quick update.  The lady who was supposed to bring Katie to church today so that Mama could bring her home didn't make it.  Katie's temporary host lives out a ways and works in the school office, which means that the earliest Katie will be here is Tuesday (the school has tomorrow off). 

I'm trying not to be too disappointed.  I suppose if I've already waited this long, I can wait a little longer.  I'll let you all know when she gets here. :(

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tess's Tidbits: Katie is Coming Home!!!

At last, some happy news during this sad week.  I just found out that my cousin Katie is coming back home tomorrow!!  Mama is supposed to pick her up at church.  I can't even describe how excited I am to see her again!!  I know everyone else feels the same way.  Lucy is relieved that her older sister is finally coming home.  Emma and Charlie are really excited to meet her.  Mama says after she talks with Charlie and Katie she'll be able to determine whether they are sisters or not.  I don't know, maybe she has to do a background check or something. :)

Once Katie gets settled, we'll post more pics from her trip.  And in the future, we'll either have her do a special post on our blog, or we might have another "Breaking News with Maggie" interview...Maggie's already working on her interview with Charlie.

So keep checking back for more fun posts.

By the way, for those of you who don't follow Mama's blog, Claire is officially listed on eBay.  I hope she finds a great new home where she's loved and appreciated.  I know it was hard for Mama to let her go.  For this last week that she's here, we'll make lots of special memories!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Tess's Tidbits: Our Newest Member and Other News

So as most of you know from reading Mama's blog, we have another doll that has been added to our family.  Her name is Charlotte Nora Hathaway, but she goes by Charlie for short.  I can't imagine wanting to go by such a boyish name, but evidently Charlie doesn't mind. :) 

Last night, we all gathered around to welcome her as Mama looked on.  Hailey took an immediate shine to Charlie, although they're about as different as night and day.  Then again, I guess you could say the same about Maggie and me, and we've been great friends for as long as I can remember! :)  Mama said she's still doing research, but she thinks that Charlie may even be our cousin (sister to Katie and Lucy).

And that brings me to some other news, not altogether very pleasant.  After the other dolls had settled down for bed, Mama took Maggie and I to the other room.  I could tell by the look on her face that something serious was on her mind.

"I just wanted to let you girls know about some changes that are going to be happening in the next few weeks," she explained.  She paused for a moment, as if she was searching for the right way to begin.  "You girls know that I've been having a hard time taking care of everyone," she started.

My heart sunk.  I knew what this meant.  She's going to tell us who she's getting rid of, I thought to myself.  I glanced over at Maggie and saw from her expression that she also knew what was coming.

"It's been a hard decision, but I've decided to pass a few dolls on," Mama continued.

We both waited for the blow.

"At this point, it's going to be Claire, Emily and Zaara that go," she finally said.

I had mixed feelings at this announcement.  My first thought was, Yay!  She's keeping me and my sisters and Maggie!  Then I realized that both of my little sisters would be losing their best friends.  For Hailey, this would be the second time she'd lost a friend.  I wondered how she'd handle it.  And poor Emma would be sad that Mama's Bollywood doll was leaving us.    

"There are two others that will be playing a different role in the house," Mama continued.

Maggie and I exchanged a look.  What did Mama mean?

Mama took a deep breath.  "I've decided that Ella and Lucy are going to be part of Felicity's history now.  Ella will now be Elizabeth Cole, Felicity's best friend, and Lucy will be Nan Merriman, Felicity's little sister."

I was numb with shock.  My sister and my little cousin....she was breaking up our family?

Mama took my hand.  "Let me explain, Tess," she urged me.  "I wanted to keep my active dolls down to 6.  You and Maggie were givens, since you have a blog.  You're both so special to me, too.  Emma is staying, of course, and Katie is my traveling doll, so I need her to stay active.  That only left me two more spots.  Charlie will have one of them, and I wanted Hailey to have the other."

She eyed Maggie, hoping for some support.  I didn't look for myself, but I doubt she found any support in Maggie's face.  I'm sure my friend was ready to spit nails!

"The reason I decided to make Ella historical," Mama continued, "is that I wasn't sure how she would do being without Emily after just getting her back again."

"An excellent question," Maggie inserted tersely.

Mama ignored her.  "Even if I kept her active, she would have no one her age.  I think that would make Emily's loss even harder.  But as Elizabeth (which is the name she originally came with, by the way), she has Felicity's friendship, and the ability to go back into Felicity's time."

I gave her a strange look.  "Go back into her time?  What do you mean?"

Mama smiled.  "That's why Felicity doesn't do much with you girls...she's busy in her own time.  I don't know if it's a time warp, or what, but she is back in her own time, even as she's standing beside my curio.  That's how it works...sorry I can't give you any more details.  When Elizabeth, holds Felicity's hand, she'll get to go, too."

"But everyone knows that Elizabeth Cole has blond hair and blue eyes!" Maggie blurted out.  "No one will be fooled for a minute."

"Ah, but my Felicity is pre-Mattel, back when Elizabeth had brown hair and brown eyes.  She'll fit right in, don't worry," Mama assured us.

"And Lucy?" I whispered.  "She'll already be a different person by the time Katie gets home this week.  She's been waiting so long for Katie to get home, and now..." 

Mama sighed.  "That was a hard decision, too.  But Lucy will still get to see Katie and talk to her still.  And now, when Katie travels, Lucy won't have to be alone anymore.  She'll have Felicity watching out for her.  And she'll get to go back in time, too!"

"What about Charlie?" Maggie interjected.  "Charlie could have taken care of her, too!"

Mama sighed again.  "Look girls, I know this isn't just cut and dry, but I did the best I could.  At least this way Lucy and Ella are still here!  And there may be a time when they return as their former selves.  But, like I said, for now I'm trying to limit active dolls to 6, and this was the best way I could do it."

We were all quiet for a while.  "Do they know?" I finally asked.

Mama nodded.  "I thought it only right to prepare them before I told everyone else.  Emma, Hailey and Charlie still don't know anything about it.  I wanted to tell you two first."

"How did they take the news?" Maggie asked sarcastically.

Mama looked hurt.  "They're coping as well as can be expected.  Emily is looking forward to meeting new people and actually getting played with, but she'll miss Ella.  Claire was pretty quiet about it.  Zaara took everything in stride.  Ella and Lucy were a bit down at first, but I think they're getting excited about being historical."

Another awkward pause settled over us, until Mama broke it.  "I know this is going to be hard and take some getting used to," she soothed.  "But it's the best I can do.  Feel free to come talk to me about things any time."

"Are we going to be next to go?" Maggie glowered.  She was seething.

"No," Mama said firmly.  "That's another reason I'm making our family group smaller.  From here on out, I'll be very cautious about adding family members until I'm sure they are a good fit.  I want to avoid this scenario as much as possible."

We didn't say much else.  What else could we say?  Our world was crumbling around us.

That night, when I went back to our room, Ella and Hailey were waiting up for me.  Ella took one look at me and realized that I knew.  We shared the news with Hailey and had a quiet cry together.  It was our last night as official sisters.  Ella was going to start her role as Elizabeth Cole in the morning. 

That's about all I can handle for this morning.  I'll write more as more changes take place.  Mama said it would be at least a week or two before anyone left.  Oh, and sorry about the lack of pics, but I figured pics of Maggie and I sitting around gloomily talking to Mama wouldn't add much to the post. :}   


Saturday, January 1, 2011

Tess's Tidbits: I'm so Excited! :)

Hi everyone!  I know I just posted, but I had to do another quick post.  I was looking at all of the new stuff on, and I saw the ad about the special edition mini AG dolls they're bringing out this year.  Here's a pic:
I've been wanting an American Girl doll of my own for a while now.  I'd thought about getting a Rebecca doll, but when I saw this Samantha, I knew she was the doll for me.  For one thing, she looks a lot like me with her brown hair and brown eyes.  For another thing, I have this same dress!!  Mama found it for me on Craigslist.  So I could have a look-alike doll with a matching dress!  I'm so excited, I can hardly stand it.  Now I just have to figure out how to save up $22 plus tax...

So, what are your favorite new releases from American Girl?  Do any of you have something special you want to save up for?

Tess's Tidbits: New Year's Day Snow

This morning an amazing thing happened...we got some snow!  Snow is really unusual for our town.  Unfortunately, by the time Emma and I got out there to take some pics, it had almost all melted (there was only around an inch or two to begin with).  Oh well, the pics still turned out cute.  Maggie didn't come out with us...she was still sleeping after our late night.  She wasn't too thrilled about watching "Pride and Prejudice" with Jennifer Ehle and Colin Firth for the umpteenth time. :} 

So without further ado, here are our snow pics:

I know, I know, it's pretty wimpy snow compared to what most of you get.  But for us, it was a big deal. :)  Hope you all have a wonderful New Year's Day!