Saturday, December 18, 2010

Maggie's Memos: Emma is finally here!! :)

Hi everyone, just a quick post to let you know that Emma got here yesterday, although Mama didn't get to open her until last night.  For the full story, click HERE

Tess and I got to be there for "the opening". :)  It was so exciting!  We haven't had much of a chance to talk with the new arrival, as Mama has been taking tons of pics of her and blogging about her.  You'd think she was a movie star or something!  From the conversations we have had, though, Emma seems really nice.  I think she'll be a great fit for our clan. 

Things are going to be pretty crazy this weekend, so I probably won't do my "Breaking News with Maggie" interview until Monday or so.  Keep checking back, though.  In that post, you'll get to know all you ever wanted to know about Mama's new doll.  :) 

Oh, and one other thing.  I haven't gotten any comments on the last post, so either no one cares, or you guys are dead, or everyone thinks things are hunky-dory.  Kinda hard to tell.  So, if we don't hear from anyone, we'll probably go ahead and let Belle post again, since no one protested.  (It's not too late, people!) 

Tess is also planning on doing a post about the Reese's squares she's making for everyone for Christmas.  That will probably be sometime on Monday or Tuesday.  So keep checking back...we've got lots of fun things planned!

Meeting Emma for the first time. :)


Anonymous said...

kewl .. most of us around here love having new sisters .. Emma sounds like she should fit in with you guys and be a great friend .. it is good that she is getting all the attention so she knows she is loved right off ..

Take Care,

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

Hi, Marsali! Thanks for the comment! We're really enjoying having Emma here...and yes, I'm glad she knows she's loved. :) I'm just so impatient to do my interview with her! :) Catch you later!


MyLittleMegara said...

Hello, Emma!!!! I have a doll who came in the same outfit and everything- her name is Wendy. :)

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

How fun! I think it's a pretty common outfit. ;)


MyLittleMegara said...

Yeah, I think it is. She doesn't wear it very often, though- she prefers sky blue to pink. I guess that's a hazard of being named after Wendy Darling from Peter Pan...

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

Sky blue is a beautiful color. :) And I can understand her preference for it since she's named after Wendy Darling. Please tell her "hi" for me. :)


MyLittleMegara said...

Wendy says "hi" back and wants you to know how much she enjoys this blog. :D

Hannah Prewett (beastsbelle) said...

Thanks, Wendy! :)
